
Cultural Association


We are a collective of artists united by the interest in digital art, we are aware of being part of a new artistic movement made up of 3D artists, photographers, illustrators, glitch artists, pixel artists, animators (2D and 3D) and game artists.
The founder is @simoneup but there is no real hierarchy, each member can decide to take on a role and help the community creating graphics, organizing events, helping with social media management.
We are very inclusive and it is possible to join by compiling the form at the end of the page


We were born on web 3 and we come from different parts of the world, real life events are what we need to see each other in person, associate faces with works and establish relationships. The blockchain guarantees us the authenticity and traceability of our works and our websites are our business card.


The goal of this Cultural Association is to give more value to digital art by giving visibility to artists and introducing the users to the purchase of NFTs.
Having a solid community can be a salvation for many artists who struggle to have stability in this space.
We will look for solutions together (through proposals and votes) that can help artists in sales and then we will create physical and digital spaces where artists can exhibit their works, organising group publications to increase the
chances of sale and visibility, joining forces with other collectives, artists, curators and galleries.

Collaborate with us

We are open to collaborations with those who share our vision, if you are part of the Association feel free to propose ideas

Presentation ITA/ENG

Request to Join


email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dimensionsdao
IBAN: IT49A0326822300052376310820
Dimensions Art ETS - Associazione Culturale no profit - via Poggio Monte 2 Minervino Murge
C.F.: 90128050722